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South West Academy of Sport: Welcome


South West Academy of Sport (SWAS) is the peak high performance Academy for South West Victoria, supporting talented young athletes in their sporting pathway through the delivery of a variety of on and off-field services and education in preparation for sporting success.

​Our Vision

To be the home of emerging, developing, and talented athletes in south west Victoria.


​Our Values

Our SWAS Team is built upon the potential of young people, their sporting dreams, and those who support them to make it happen.


We treat each other with respect, honesty, and integrity, and we celebrate the diverse cultures, experiences, and ideas that contribute to developing successful people.


Our Guiding Principles

  • Talent Identification;  Top performing and emerging youth athletes from the region are SWAS athletes.

  • Athlete Preparedness;  High Performance training philosophies and practices underpin SWAS programming.

  • Pathway Progression;  SWAS programming supports athletes to progress in their sporting pathway.



Commitment to Child Safety

South West Academy of Sport (SWAS) is committed to ensuring that young people who participate in its activities have a safe and happy experience.  SWAS supports and respects children, young people, staff, volunteers and participants.  

SWAS Child and Vulnerable People Policy


Child Safety explanation for Young People


The Victorian Regional Academies of Sport (VRAS) are the peak sporting body of regional Victoria.  VRAS Academies provide services to support emerging talented athletes to achieve success in their sporting pathway and are supported by the Victorian State Government and the Victorian Institute of Sport.

Map of Victoria divided up into the Victorian Regional Academy of Sport boundaries.
Victorian Regional Academies of Sport: Text

VRAS Academies assist talented regional athletes in their sporting pathway as they strive for State and National representation. 

What do the Victorian Regional Academies of Sport do?
Identify talented athletes and provide opportunities for them to achieve excellence in sport;
Promote, enhance and encourage the personal and educational development of talented young athletes;
Enhance the quality of administering, officiating and coaching sport in regional Victoria;
Promote competition and events that develop the skills and experience of talented athletes in the region;
Support access to top level coaching, training, medical and sport science to give athletes the best chance of reaching their potential;
Conduct programs which support and compliment club coaching.


Victorian Regional Academies of Sport: Pro Gallery
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